The fight against poverty starts with satisfying basic human needs.

Discover Solutions to Poverty-Related Challenges

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New solutions with the potential to dramatically improve lives in underserved communities are emerging daily. TEL bridges the gap between innovators and solution seekers, enabling individuals and communities to thrive while confronting the effects of poverty.

2 Ways To Take Action

Join TEL: a growing network of innovators, social enterprises, NGOs and developing-world communities to share and discover sustainable solutions to problems of poverty.


Make a tax-deductible donation to help deliver real solutions to those whose need them most.

Our Partners

  • TEL has been a valuable source of ideas and solutions to many of the challenges the Open Learning Exchange is facing in developing countries. Often the usual approaches for ensuring such necessities as clean water, sanitation and mobile power require innovative approaches. That's where TEL is especially helpful in discovering cost-effective ways to solve such challenges.

    - Dr. Richard Rowe, Chair and CEO, Open Learning Exchange

  • As we build out our vision and operations for SunSaluter, connecting with the TEL community and having access to their resources has been invaluable. TEL brings together like minded individuals who care about using technology in a meaningful and genuine way to make impact, and there is no other organization quite like it.

    - Eden Full, Founder, SunSaluter

  • I really like your mission, and I think any start up would be able to take advantage of the database that you are putting together. Your database will save nonprofits a lot of time and effort. I admire the work that you are doing, and hope we can help you with it.

    - Adam Creighton, Communications and Development Director, InStove

  • It is amazing that TEL can network people across the globe. I particularly appreciated receiving new solar technology samples from three companies whom I hadn't even heard of, delivered right to our doorstep! Thank you for your interest, help, and networking efforts. You've helped us discover the ideal lighting solution at less than one third the cost!

    - Smita Shah, Founder, Jaya Jyoti Solar Project

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Please note that TEL does not sell any of the solutions contained within our database, nor do we maintain any commercial relationship with providers. Solutions may be acquired by directly contacting the providers listed on each solution page. For assistance in finding or implementing the solutions that best suit your needs, explore TEL's services.